Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Have Roofing Services Regularly Inspect Your Roof to Detect Problems

Day after day, a roof has to endure the ravage of the elements. Faced with the onslaught of high temperatures, the sun beating down, windy weather, and torrential rain, it’s no surprise that roofing materials eventually wear down or get damaged. Before any problems can occur or develop into severe cases, homeowners should contact local roofing services and have their people check the roof regularly. It’s been noted that roofs that get regular inspection and repairs last longer than those left unmaintained.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Keep Excess Heat at Bay: The Benefits of Highly Reflective Roofing

Albuquerque sees about 278 days of sun a year. Unfortunately, the abundant sunshine leaves roofs susceptible to heat damage. Asphalt shingles, in particular, turn inflexible and brittle when they are exposed to heat for prolonged periods of time. They also tend to curl, crack and lose their original color over time. Fortunately, you can avoid such issues by raising the reflectivity of your roof.

Reflectivity and heat damage

Reflectivity refers to the ability of a roof’s surface to redirect rays from the sun. The more reflective a roof is, the more solar energy ‘bounces’ off the surface, resulting in less heat absorbed. Experts claim that a surface must have a reflectivity rating of 65% or greater if homeowners wish to enjoy the benefits of a reflective roof.

How is this achieved? Typically, a white coating with special reflective pigments that reflect sunlight is applied to the roof’s surface. The coating is like a thick paint that can shield the roof from UV and chemical damage, among other benefits. Likewise, those who have yet to have their house built or would like to replace their existing roofing system can take advantage of roofing materials with built-in reflective qualities.

Benefits of improving roof reflectivity

Not only do reflective roofing materials divert heat away and prolong the lifespan of a roof, but they also help keep a home cool during the warmer seasons. As a result, cooling systems consume less energy, leading to lower energy bills.

New Mexico sees about the same amount of sunlight during fall as it would see during summer, making today a good time to improve the reflectivity of your roof. If you wish to learn more about roofing reflectivity, as well as your options, do not hesitate to contact reputable local roofing contractors such as Chavez Roofing.